Ben's Blog

book-The Creative Will

[[Theosophy]] by [[author-Helena Blavatsky]] [[🏡 Projects MOC]] [[Book notes+reviews]] [[spirit]]

[[date 2023-8-15]]

Really like this book, a [[memorable quote]] coming to work today was “[[the stream cannot flow higher than the source]]” in reference to somebodies idea of the spirit, higher laws, source that all things flow from. Their mentality etc.

When I rejected my Baptist upbringing I realized I could believe whatever I want about source, determining just what that is is a creative process and a personal one ever evolving. This book provides guidelines in perception that genuinely helped with my social anxiety in a big way today. Viewing the “I am” or “self” flowing from the spirit above any individuality. Visualizing/feeling that during conversation genuinely helped me relax this morning and not only that focus on what I need/want to more. Didn’t even get all the SAVERS done this morning.

Notes by timestamp

