book-The Creative Will
[[Theosophy]] by [[author-Helena Blavatsky]] [[🏡 Projects MOC]] [[Book notes+reviews]] [[spirit]]
[[date 2023-8-15]]
Really like this book, a [[memorable quote]] coming to work today was “[[the stream cannot flow higher than the source]]” in reference to somebodies idea of the spirit, higher laws, source that all things flow from. Their mentality etc.
When I rejected my Baptist upbringing I realized I could believe whatever I want about source, determining just what that is is a creative process and a personal one ever evolving. This book provides guidelines in perception that genuinely helped with my social anxiety in a big way today. Viewing the “I am” or “self” flowing from the spirit above any individuality. Visualizing/feeling that during conversation genuinely helped me relax this morning and not only that focus on what I need/want to more. Didn’t even get all the SAVERS done this morning.
Notes by timestamp
- The will of spirit in action created everything that exists
- Evolution is an unfolding from within outward
- Intelligent will is behind everything that exists, the creator of the universe. Understanding this is how we utilize our powers
- Evolution is the progression to a higher state of being
- Man has ceased to merely think of the material, he is looking now into spirit
- Beings above us form a [[stratum of consciousness]] that we are not in
- These beings are our spiritual older brothers and sisters who came before us
- These beings have in their memories archived how to achieve that same state of consciousness, they remember it like we remember yesterday.
- These beings Utilized the spirits power by adjusting their physical body/mind/instrument towards the truth and could then utilize their power. That same power is within us.
- These being now have better brains, better bodies, they acquired them by fulfilling every duty that faced them regardless of what happened to themselves.
- They gained power for the benefit of every living creature
- We do the opposite, we constrict the power to personal selfishness, small ideas.
- Evolution proceeds from within outwards.
- We need to open our perception to higher ideals, the stream cannot flow higher than the source.
- Modern man believes he is his body and mind instead of the creator, this will not do
- Recognizing the fact of spirit, that something that lives within us no matter what is the [[true self]]. Recognizing this fact is the key to positive growth and so much more.
- Nobel, loving, wholistic, universal ideas are keys to unlocking higher levels of awareness/consciousness rather than staying the the selfish smaller scale. Those bigger ideals also hold more power.
- The real nature of man is deity, spirit, god. It is the highest self that he knows through himself. There is but one self, see the self in all things and all things in the self.
- Nothing is seen outside ourselves.
- You cannot force a mind to accept truths or realizations that it does not want to hear.
- One must have open mind, pure heart, eger intellect, unveild spiritual perception before there is any hope for us. If we are self centered this message is not for us. It’s for the hungry, the weary.